Sweetener warning: Acesulfame Potassium contains methylene chloride, a known carcinogen


(NaturalNews) Is Acesulfame Potassium in your protein shake? Is this synthetic funk, also known as "Acesulfame-K," in your chewing gum? What is this stuff really made from and what does it do to your body? Is it just like Aspartame, a known cancer causing and genetically modified sweetener? Does it mess with your central nervous system, sending you to some quack doctor for medicine to calm your nerves? Does it stay in your cleansing organs and in your small and large intestines for long periods of time, wreaking havoc on your digestive process and your whole excretive system? How many people are eating and drinking products that contain this food toxin? How long has it been legalized for consumption and why doesn't the FDA regulate or ban it altogether, and just how many tens of thousands of people are writing letters to the food regulators about this artificial food category better known as "sweet misery?" (http://www.youtube.com)


Acesulfame-K: Acesulfame-K (aka "Ace-K") is a potassium salt containing methylene chloride, a known carcinogen. Acesulfame-K is not the same thing as Aspartame, but quite often, BOTH are found in the same products. Reported side effects of "sweet devil" Acesulfame-K are frightening: "Long term exposure to methylene chloride can cause nausea, headaches, mood problems, impairment of the liver and kidneys, problems with eyesight and possibly cancer. Acesulfame-K may contribute to hypoglycemia." (http://www.fitday.com)

Also, of all the artificial sweeteners out there, Acesulfame-K has undergone the least scientific scrutiny. Early studies showed a link to multiple cancer developments in lab animals. If you have any doubts whatsoever, remember this; humans have 99% the same DNA as the lab mice and rats tested. The "proof is in the pudding!" The research is concrete on this and ignorance is NOT bliss! (http://archives.cnn.com) This carcinogen, so cutely nicknamed "Ace-K," is derived from Aceto-acetic acid and Fluoro-sulfonyl Iso-Cyanate. Say that last part again and it sounds like you're eating cyanide. Consider your TOTAL health risks before consuming ANY artificial sweetener. Better safe than sorry!


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