Home Health And Arthritis

Common Arthritis Related Diagnoses for Home Health Patients:

1. Osteoarthritis
2. Rheumatoid Arthritis
3. Laminectomy
4. Spinal Stenosis

Common Signs and Symptoms of Arthritis Patients Who are Home Health Appropriate:

1. Impaired physical mobility
2. Chronic pain
3. Self-care deficits in regards to activities of daily living
4. Restriction of normal activities due to pain
5. Unsteady gait
6. Weakened muscle condition

Home Health Care Goals for Patients with Arthritis and Related Issues:

1. Increased strength and functional mobility
2. Use of assistive/adaptive devices safely and effectively
3. Development of a personalized home exercise program to which the patient and family will adhere
4. Teaching of patient and family to monitor medications and observe for adverse side effects
5. Instruction or comprehension by the patient or family about correct positioning, body alignment
and posture
6. Teach patient and family safety and fall precautions
7. Implementation of pain management procedures to decrease pain in order to increase functionalstatus

Additional Education and Teaching for the Patient, Family, or Caregiver:

1. All aspects of pain control and analgesic regimen
2. Preventative measures regarding joint deformities and functional positions
3. Importance of optimal nutrition, hydration, rest and the home exercise program
4. Re-enforcement of the importance of medical follow-up
5. Any additional information based on the patients’ unique medical needs and overall plan of care

Arthritis patients will be discharged from Home Health when the patient centered goals are achieved and when the patient is no longer homebound and can be referred to outpatient services.